"A ship in harbor is safe; but that is not what ships are built for"

Latest Mission Posts

» RP Recap - 8/8/2020

Mission: Mistaken Plunder
Posted on 10 Aug 2020 @ 5:33pm by Captain Philip Demarcus

After locating a massive shipment of illicit bio-mimetic gel in a warehouse in the Kohol District of Maltabra City on Farius Prime, the covert away team returned to U.S.S. Boston via the gunship shuttlecraft ‘Rocinante’. However, a corrupt official with the Farian Port Authority tipped off a band of Orion…

» Captain's Log, Stardate 40931.4

Mission: Mistaken Plunder
Posted on 10 Aug 2020 @ 5:32pm by Captain Philip Demarcus

--|| Captain’s Log, Stardate 40931.4 ||--

After some close calls on Farius Prime, with the away team narrowly avoiding detection by rogue Federation scientists, and then by the Farian Port Authority, I think it is prudent for us to lay low for some time before attempting further covert operations in…

» U.S.S. Boston RP Recap - 5/24/2020

Mission: The Gray Twilight
Posted on 26 May 2020 @ 6:39pm by Captain Philip Demarcus

Following the abortive mission to investigate Lieutenant Commander Tina Santori’s apartment in the Piraktan capital city of Piret, Captain Philip Demarcus was left with a rapidly deteriorating crisis to resolve. While the away team had been successful in gleaning pertinent information as to the rogue Starfleet officer’s whereabouts, Piraktan Internal…

» Captain's Log, Stardate 40789.9

Mission: The Gray Twilight
Posted on 24 May 2020 @ 10:39am by Captain Philip Demarcus

Events are starting to spin out of control. Rapidly. During yesterday’s away team operation, Commander Jaya Raj was abducted by what I can only now assume are Piraktan Internal Security forces loyal to elements within the Directorate other than Director Bentrel. Who or what those entities are still remains a…

Latest Personal Logs

» Explosion

Posted on 30 Jul 2024 @ 12:18pm by Commander Zekru Krelossi


There was a flash of light, heat, and pain as the dugout room in the sewer went blissfully black.

When time restarted was a mystery. The first sign was the ringing in the ears, blocking out all external auditory stimuli. Not optimal, but to be expected given…

» Mittens

Posted on 02 Mar 2024 @ 4:35pm by Ensign Lauri Gredun


The sudden shriek sent a shock down Lauri’s spine to the point her entire body froze stiff. Slowly cranking her head like a clockwork marionette, her eyes fell to the direction of the sound. Eyes were instantly locked and a surprised gasp took shape over her expressions, juxtaposed only…

» Calling Home

Posted on 15 Feb 2024 @ 3:16pm by Commander Zekru Krelossi

Zekru sits at the computer terminal in his office, now that there's actually a hull patch holding the air in. The room is in rough shape, with all of his personal belongings either fused to the remains of his furniture or gone to where only the Great Bird can find…

» Personal Log - Stardate 43479.22

Posted on 25 Jun 2023 @ 9:57am by Ensign Lacera Felarx

I really don't know where to start today. A species powerful enough to whisk our consciousness to who knows where. If only they had chosen the form of Professor Simmons, I might have asked the question that was burning a hole in my head like I was back in his…

» Show and Tell

Posted on 16 Jun 2023 @ 4:14pm by Ensign Lacera Felarx

Personal Quarters, Ensign Lacera Felarx: 15-Jun-2366 21:15

Preceded by a small black box being unnecessarily held with both hands, Lacera strolled into her quarters. She was met by an insistent and repetitive chime coming from the terminal on her desk. She made a beeline for the desk, seeing the terminal…