
USS Boston RP Log 1910.1

Posted on 09 Feb 2025 @ 2:40am by Lieutenant JG Tirik Bajn

(Original Log Date: October 20, 2019)

[Fleet] June 6, 1944 • U.S.S. Boston • U.S.S. Midway • In joint orbit at Mars • Red Alert
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: -- "Captain's Log: Supplemental. After pursuing a distress signal, the Midway has fallen through a wormhole... one that not only displaced us in space, but also in time, to the Earth year 1944.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: And we're not alone; we've encountered another starship: the USS Boston. A ship from the future.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: To complicate matters, our sickbay is offline with sizeable casualties due to our rough transit. Now comes the difficult question of what to do and how to avoid altering all of our futures..." --
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: mutes the channel to Boston. "...Damn..."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Continues treating patients from Engineering*
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Eeeeee! *Squeaking, looking to her left frightened by the visage on the viewscreen* That... that... What was... who was?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "I know what you said a second ago, T'Lor, but there's the issue of sending our people to be treated aboard a starship from the future."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Thankfully the bleeding as stopped from his nose, and he focuses on checking on the sensor systems to make sure everything's working and confirming their position*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Best not think about it. *she says bluntly, rigidly operating the console*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: has recovered from his unconsciousness, and is now trying to help patch up sickbay. "No! No that wan! That wan! Aye, tae th'left a bit!"
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Considering both vessels are out of their standard time, I'm not sure the same rules apply."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Is going around Sickbay, making sure everything is secure, and placing out additional hypos and other small equipment*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: A colleague from our own history, Ensign. What we're doing here together is the real question...
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "We're in some serious trouble now. In 1944. Earth's in the middle of a world war, I think."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding, as he looks over at Liarro* The Second.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Unless you're worried about one of us running into a future counterpart?"
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Then let's just not go to Earth, shall we?
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Yes, yes, I must agree with James.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: H'Rilla, I'm out of the medicine. Where's some more?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "I'm worried about even the slightest contact radically changing their future. Even just seeing a piece of advanced technology in action could have reprecussions that we can't predict."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *gets out of the turbolift and seems rather confused about the situation as he enters the bridge*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Stops in front of Gren* Oh, uhh, one second!
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride] "N, C, C, dash Two... gee, that's a lot of numbers."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Puts whatever he has down onto the ground, then quickly walks over to a table*
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *looks over at Mac* More'n th' usual?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *grabs a vial, then turns*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Well we've already seen an entire ship from the future. Maybe some of them can come over here. We could set up triage in a few quarters."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Hey Gren, if you play sports, ya think you can catch?
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Why would you throw it? It's /glass/, just-....fine, just toss it over! *Impatiently says*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: taps his chair's intercom control. [#*] "Bridge to sickbay."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *looks at the viewscreen, slightly wide-eyed*
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "The thing I want to know is, what caused that temporal anomaly to form in the first place?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Tosses it over*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Catches it, turning around and getting back to work*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: We can figure that out once we're both back in our times.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "'Ere, ah'll get it." click. [#*] "Sickbay 'ere, Sir."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she turns to face Tyler* "And just how should we get back to our time?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *slowly approaches Mira and in low voice, he asks: "What is happening?"*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [#*] "Dr. Bradshaw informs me that there's insufficient space in what medical facilities we have left to treat all our casualties. We may have no choice but to transfer them for treatment on the... er... other ship."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: However we are going to do that, it is not going to be found on Earth this far back in history. We can avoid it.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Don't worry about "Glass" around here, man, this stuff's just as resilient as... well, I'm not a freakin engineer...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Picks up the stuff I had put down, and goes back to organizing*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Tugging his uniform straight as he stands* Temporal anomalies are not unheard of, Ensign. Ones that intersect multiple years, are, however... uncommonly rare.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: [#*] "Weel, ah cannie deny we're stackin' pretty high, 'ere, Sir. Ah've got two teams bringin' up crates as makeshift stretchers in the corridor."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [#*] "Prepare the critical cases for transport. Thorpe out."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: I'll begin parsing through Starfleet records, see if I can find a similar circumstance we can build off of.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Communications, reopen the channel to Boston."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Aight, y'heard the boss! A' criticals tae the transporter rooms!"
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: *Squirrely furrowing her brow as she beep-boops her console, trying to connect to automated satellite feeds, finding none*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Begins doing as he said, beginning his slow search*
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I don't think you'll be able to connect to any satellites. I don't think satellites were invented yet."
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *checks his display* Might wanna have those folks exercise caution, Cap'n. I'm pickin' up surges in some o' th' transporter pads.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Tyral] "Captain, the Midway is signaling."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Aight, mak' do the noo... Ah'll leave yer bay, Doc. Nae point taken up space when a cannie dae nuthin'."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Right. *Tugging his uniform straight again, hesitantly replying* On screen.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Bradshaw] "...just how I feel whenever I visit the engine room, Commander Wood."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: and with that, left Sickbay, making a pitstop to change into uniform for a crisis situation before: "Bridge."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Steps back, finishing with the last of the injuries from Engineering* Need any other help or shall I just find something to keep myself useful?
[Fleet] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: I forgot tonight's title card:
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *notices Tyler and discreetly moves to the other side of the bridge*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well given how worried I am you won't, ya best help me out, then we can find a way to be useful together!
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: --|| Viewscreens blink, casting the corresponding Captains up on each other's viewers: / ||--
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Smirks to H'Rilla while walking up to help* You just want an excuse to spend more time with me, don't yah?
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Eeee! *Squeaking surprisingly again, turning towards the viewscreen*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Hey, Tyler, what is happening? I just got here... *he asked in a low voice*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well, I always want to spend time with friends!
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: quietly. "How is she, Jack? Ah've only seen the mess Sickbay's in."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: And you're the only one I got around here.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Glances back at Tharin, before turning back to his screen* Well, we fell into a temporal anomoly that brought us to Mars in the year 1944. Oh, and also a Constitution-class, likely from the 23rd century. *Points his thumb towards the viewscreen*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Captain, we're prepared to take you up on your offer. We'll... try to mitigate anything that might change your past."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *watches as Midway's captain pops up on the viewscreen, and gazes curiously at Starfleet's past in real time*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: You're all very sunshine and rainbows a lot, you know that?
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *the words send a chill down her spine as she glances at Tactical*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *looks at the screen for a few seconds, then back to Tyler again* Ahhh, so that explains the impact I took in Engineering...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Guilty as charged!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: You should see my music playlist!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Rolls his eyes and chuckles* You'll have to play it for me sometime.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding, carefully choosing his words* I'll have some of my staff meet you in the transporter room, and I'll try to be... jusicious with their selection, given the circumstances, Captain.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: I hit my face up here as well. Slammed right against the floor.
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *turns and nods at Woody* She's a little bit of a mess, sir. Transporter power's unstable, we've narrowly missed some blowouts in th' impulse exhaust,... *looks a little grim, knowing there's some work in the offing*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Are you sure you wouldn't want a delegation from your ship to beam over here, in order to confer? At least with the patients they can be sedated, while they're aboard your ship."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Well, that thing knocked me out pretty good, kind of embarassing when I think about it...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Maybe once we get out of this mess.
[Fleet] Liarro@cosby714#3394: Afk for a minute
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Geeze..." sighs. "Gonna be at this a' week."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Stops scrolling through logs for a moment and turns around, putting his hand on Tharin's shoulder* I'm sure you were quite brave when you were slammed against the wall. *Smiles and turns back*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Actually, Hell, I gotta tune in mind!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: We can play it right now if you wanna listen!
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *nods* Yeah, seems spatial anomalies're good for that.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Looking to his right, noting an empty chair a moment* I think we'd better avoid that for the time being, Captain. I can... I can explain in person.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Nice and slow and light!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Go ahead. Might as well listen to something.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "We'll make preparations to beam your party aboard shortly, Captain."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Nods* Computer, play Cesar Franck's Violin Sonata in A Major.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *tries to sound calm but in reality he feels a bit angry* Yeah, well it caught me off-guard, that is all. Won't happen again.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: then Colombos. " last thing, Captain. What year are you from?"
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: I think we'd better keep that... unsaid for the time being, Captain. *Nodding again*
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *sneaks a glance at the viewscreen and Captain DeMarcus*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Begins humming along with the piece*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Suit yourself. Thorpe out."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Whenever they're from, Sir, it's putting oot... twa... three mare times mare power than we are." looks back to the centre dais. "At least the sensors are workin'."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Tharin, you can't control it. Your job is to stop people from shooting at us. It's our job up here to not have us thrown into an anomaly, which we resoundingly failed. You're good, we messed up.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "...damn. If we knew when they were from, we'd know if T'Lor might be around in their time period."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride]: "Uh... okay, now I'm confused."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Indeed, it is!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Isn't it so relaxing?
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *looks back at his readings and agrees* I'm... actually jealous as hell. Not even gonna lie.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Sighs* It's very... strange.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Turns, nodding to Liarro, then Tharin* Grei, Lanklyn, we'll need security to monitor the patients they beam over.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: I-... I didn't mean to offend in any way, you obviously did your best. I just wish I could have done something.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Smirks* Welcome to Starfleet.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Suffice it to say, last year on Risa we encountered a version of T'Lor from the early 25th Century. If the Boston is from that time period, or before it, that would mean she might be able to help us again."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Hull material's too thick tae see ony'hin' else, but cannie hide that power signature, that's fir sure."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *thinks, "I'm jealous as hell,... a little bit."*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *looks at Captain Demarcus as he hears his name*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: And I suppose your species' music is any less strange?
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: To me it's less strange.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Woody, whatever scans you're taking of that ship, I want it encoded to voice-print access only. We can't let it fall into the wrong hands when we get back to 2268."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well /of course/ it's less strange to YOU, Gren, I guess you don't have a sample?
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Black-boxin' it is, aye." click clack.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Starts for the turbolift* Tahna, you, too. May as well have an extra transporter tech handy in case there's any incompatibilities.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "T'Lor, I'm about to give you that unusual order again..."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: It's all dedicated to the glory of the Directorate. I remember one piece that is supposed to represent one of the greatest triumphs in the Unification War, Chriai. It's a beautiful piece...+
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Which one?"
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: You got it, sir. *smiles as she heads for the transporter room*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "That if, in some point in the future, you think you can help us get out of it, do it."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Smirks as the doors hiss closed* Deck Eight.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "...Just... next time be careful where you point that shotgun. Some of that buckshot missed that armored Klingon."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Then tapping his combadge as he exits the turbolift*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride] "Just think, Xaq. My ancestors only have to wait another 72 years for the Cubs to win the World Series."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Nae offense, Sir, but isnae it a snowba's chance in hell the, er... Future Commander'd be oan that ship?"
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *sounds wistful* favorite part is where it transitions, representing how the Chriantan leader laid down her weapons and surrendered to the Directorate.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: =/\= Captain Demarcus to Sickbay. Please have a medical team sent to Transporter Room Five. Doctor H'Rilla shall attend to additional wounded we're transferring aboard.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "I'm hoping she'll show up...when she needs to, Mr. Wood."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Taps my own badge*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *exits the lift and makes her way to the transporter room*
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: And only because they got a GM from Boston. *Smirks to him, sticking her tongue out*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: After you, Captain.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: =/\= Ya got it, boss, be there in a short bitty!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: That us, then?
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *enters and takes station at the console*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Mind the store while I'm gone. Hopefully, Captain Demarcus knows a way for us all to get home in one piece."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Ya hear that, Gren? We're about to go be all sunshine and rainbows on a PIECE OF HISTORY.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *moves across the room, heading for the lockers to grab a phaser*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Is clearly giddy with excitement*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Aye, Sir. We'll keep 'er runnin'."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: A piece of /your/ history, not mine.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride] "...I just had a thought. They may have our obituaries over there."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Picks up a medkit* Let's get going, alright?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride] "Okay... I'm having my first freakout about my mortality..."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Mack, if mine isnae 'murdered by his wife' or 'drank himsel' tae death,' ah'm no interested."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: twists a handle. "Transporter room."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: I'll be on your tail! *I say as mine swishes behind me*
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: Knowin' you, it'll probably be both. *smirks*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *equips a phaser and holsters it*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Here's hoping, Jack!" grins.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Raises a hand to Tharin, palm down* I don't think that will be necessary, Mr. Lanklyn. We're just making sure they don't see any parts of the ship that would contaminate their own time.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *grabs a medkit as well*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Just don't get too close...we don't want a repeat of last time.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Of course, Captain.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *puts the phaser back in the locker*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Heya friendlies!
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: Sir,... I've been picking up some power fluctuations in Midway's transporter system. Whatever happened to us, it's thrown their mains out of whack a little. We'll have to be careful.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok] "Just a moment, Captain. Compensating for some kind of drift in the targetting sensor."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding to the pair, then to Grenkat* Mr. Grenkat, I think it would be best if you... you were out of sight for our visitors' sake.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Drift...?"
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she looks to Mira* "Wait, would they know what a Bajoran is?"
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok] "Like something's trying to point our transporter in a certain direction. It should be fine for short range, though."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Ah, right... of course. I'll be in sickbay, then.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: '"Ere, ah had a thought... A' afore any o' ye start, aye. It did hurt. Worst case scenario, couldnae we incur some extreme form o' time dilation t'get hame...?"
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "That's... comforting..."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Nods to the captain, then heads to sickbay*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: I'll miss ya, Gren!
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *looks at Grei* Not a bad point, but they have Andorians... I don't think a few nose ridges will throw them off too much.
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: Time dilation? That sounds more theoretical than practical, but I guess we're here, so... *Raises her arms in a half-shrug*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Winks to Mira, scratching his own nose* That's just a little bruise from the turbulence, eh, Ensign?
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Nah, nah, 'hink aboot it. Closer we get tae lightspeed in real space, time'll warp around the ship, right? Noo, we could channel the warp power intae the impulse engines wance they're fixed... An' maybe find a nice star tae skim aroond... The problem would be calculating exactly how fast and how long to go that fast fir tae git hame."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "...Any wan goat ten'r twen'y supercomputers handy?"
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: I'd say so, sir. *grins, returning the wink*
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Eh, could we just say they'll know who they are later?"
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nods, turning back to the pad* Signal the Midway we're ready to receive their patients, Ms. Tahna.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *feigns slight pain, continuing the joke as she touches her nose* Ow.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She chuckles* "Quite the broken nose you have there."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks if Mira is wearing an earring*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: Aye, sir. *contacts Midway's transporter room and makes arrangements*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok messages Boston]: "Sending them over now, Princesses."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I sigh* And here I was thinking I was going to go have my fun on a old Federation starship...
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok ones, Lok twos, Lok Lomonds]: "Energizing, Captain."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *receives and replies* Acknowledged, Midway. Standing by to receive.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Smiles warmly, approaching the pad, first signaling H'Rilla forward* Doctor?
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *hides a smile as Commander, Midway, appears on the pad*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Nods at the captain... my captain... and then goes over to Thorpe to begin scanning* Welcome to the Boston, Cap!
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "I'm... not wounded, Doctor..."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Just making sure.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Permission to come aboard, sir?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *Looks at Captain Thorpe inquisitively and slowly comes down.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: We like to be thorough in these circumstances, Captain Thorpe. And Doctor H'Rilla is certainly that. *Nods as the Caitian moves to the wounded on the pad, then extending an open hand to Thorpe*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Granted, Captain. *Enjoying the somewhat antiquated formality*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Begins scanning the wounded*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: exchanges a handshake. "An impressive ship. She makes even the Crossfield-class look antiquated by comparison."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Firmly shakes, then steps back, motioning to Grei and Tharin to escort H'Rilla and the wounded to Sickbay* My staff will keep your people sedated and... out of trouble. *Flashing a friendly smirk at his fellow Captain*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "I've ordered my chief engineer to encode all our scans of the Boston. In our time, we call it the 'black box' protocol."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Glances back* Hey, Carmen, Elise, come take a look at this, I've found a couple of things...
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *nods at Captain Demarcus' orders and walks all the way to H'Rilla.*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok]: "Transporter room to bridge."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she turns about, and slowly walks across to the rear stations*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: A sensible precaution, Captain. If you will permit, I can arrange for my Engineering staff to assist. *Eyeing Mira before turning back*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: clicks the comm on the arm of the captain's chair. [#*]"Bridge here."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Any help would be appreciated, Captain."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Who in your view should I take to sickbay?
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Of course. *Nods, motioning for the door* Though, if we could share a word in private?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok]: "I've been noticing something odd about the transporter circuits ever since we ended up... here."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: First, I'm picking up the probe's homing signal. The one we sent into the anomoly, remember? It's faint, though. So it's nearby, but...well, "nearby" *does air quotes*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: cocks a brow. "Wan' me to head doon an' tak' a look, Commander?"
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: perks a brow. "Of course, Captain. I realize we're both playing with temporal dynamite, so to speak."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks to Mira and nods* "Let's give the captains a little space."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *nods* Of course.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: I suppose that makes sense? If the Midway and ourselves are here, so should be the probe...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Uhh, well, I suppose all of them, though we'll start to run low on space.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: [#*] "Odd?"
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Quite an interesting situation we've found ourselves in, eh?"
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding to him, though his voice lowering slightly* Indeed, though... it is something of a matter of degree... *Starts out towards the corridor, heading for a turbolift*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *follows Grei from the transporter room*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Thanks for the assistance, Tharin!
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: I'm just a bit worried because, knowing our luck, it's somehow managed to move itself to Earth and crash land there forcing us to go pick it up...
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok]: "It's not a problem with beaming to and from that other ship, but any time I try to move the targetting scans out towards the planet below, there's a... displacement."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: It is my job, no worries. Besides you did help me with those pills.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *stifles a giggle*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well, that's just MY job, but don't I love helping! Anyway, we best get these guys over.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Straightens his posture as he enters the turbolift, stating matter-of-factly* Deck Ten.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she laughs nervously* ...we are lucky then that odds are it will land in the water?
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *helps some of the injured crewmembers to get back on their feet as he prepares to take them to sickbay.*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: frowns, getting up to head to the science station and scan the planet below.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I'm sure you saw he's in a yellow uniform. They changed the rank colors about 50 years ago."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Then turning to Thorpe as the doors close, pressing the pause button on the control panel* Tell me, Captain. Do you have a Lieutenant McGann on your crew?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Does the same, helping a couple, and begins moving to Sickbay*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Everyone please follow me and the doctor.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: I'll help you, sir.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *nods* Color me jealous. I mean... *is excited*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Yes. My A&A officer."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Wouldn't that be wonderful...*He says knowing full well that with their luck, that ain't gonna happen* Anyways, the other thing I found was this. *Brings up a log* As you can see, there's a report from a Romulan warbird. It talks about a similar temporal micro-wormhole, but the rest of the entry is redacted for some reason.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Enters Sickbay* HEY, GREN! Home early!
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she looks over to the injured* "Let's go to sickbay."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Picked up our insomniac freind too!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Looks over, noticing the injured* And you brought gifts, how wonderful!
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Frowning slightly, furrowing his brow* I thought that might be the case... Computer, resume.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "How many wounded do we have?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Yeah, I didn't get to go over; they beamed them aboard.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "This isn't the Midway's first encounter with time travel, well, temporal anomalies."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Probably because it is about Romulans. Was their encounter very similar to ours? *she slinks in to try to get a better glance*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: is still trying to scan the planet.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding to him, as the doors hiss open* It is not my first time encountering such events either, Captain, though it is my first with this crew. And the Boston.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *helps the injured into a couple beds*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Turns around and nods at the newcomers*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Pressing a keypad, unlocking a doorway, and motioning Thorpe inside* Please. My quarters.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Grabs some medical equipment and begins to get to work*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: We've got more than we've got beds, though we made sure we had enough supplies.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I sense the captain has become worried about something. Let's hope we're not in danger of causing any kind of a paradox."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: The only line that I can access is the subject line. We may have to get someone with a higher security clearance.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Your quarters? It's almost as big as flag officer accomodations on a starbase."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Nods to Tharin* Thanks for the help again, man.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Glances back* I appreciate it, all of you. *Goes back to work*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: I got you covered man. *gently pats him on the shoulder*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding to him, chuckling softly* When the Boston was built, it's crew complement was... well, several hundred more than it is today. We've had some opportunities to renovate over the years.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Smiles warmly* What I love to hear.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Motioning to the seating area*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Turns to the women*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Then what options have we at the moment.. *she turns to look over her shoulder*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Midway was one of the first ships of her class to double her crew complement, though she's behind in a few cosmetic refits."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well, my female friends, A paradox would indeed be a worst case scanario, but I must ask you if you've got business here?
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: We could ask our resident intel officer to try and open the file.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Smirking softly, though discreetly sliding a leather bound album closed on the coffee table as Thrope site, a photograph just BRIEFLY visible as the pages flip: *
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: We could. Though I believe she vanished into the lift?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: perks a brow.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: You know I love talking to you, but I've got work to do, yeah?
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Yes, you'll be getting some new pylon refits soon, I'd expect. I'm sure Utopia Planitia has already sent out the specs for it.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Doctor, if you don't mind, I believe I should remain here for the time being.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Don't worry. I'll be out of your way so you can perform your duties.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: then wonders if it'd be simpler just to have T'Lor wipe his memories when he gets back. "Most likely not until the end of our current five-year mission."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Yes, I think you're right... here, why don't you go try and pinpoint the probe's exact location, and I'll try and bypass this.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Eyebrow raise* Is there a security thingy I missed?
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: --|| On the bridge, Elise's tactical console starts beeping loudly, rapidly... chirping, chirping, chirping ||--
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: really needs to know if she's getting anything on scans.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: On second thought...
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she spins about to get back to her proper station*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Glances back* He probably just wants to watch us work. *Smirks, moving on to the next patient*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *ponders for a bit* Well, seeing as we have visitors, someone should stand watch to make sure everything is under control.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Looks back at Grenkat* Keep dreaming, Grenny!
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Indeed. In any event, I'd prefer we approach this... relationship cautiously. There's already one potential conflict that could adversely affect a member of your crew. *Withholding a moment, then continuing* If there are any conflicts you can think of at the outset, I think it be best that we get them out on the table immediately.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Hey, let a man dream!
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: Just lending a hand with casualties, while we're idle.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She crosses her arms* "Hello, security personnel here, whose job it is to watch them."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Eeee! *Squeaks nervously, looking over at Elise's console* Wha-?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Turns back to Tharin* Yeah, you and Liarro can buddy up!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Turns to Mira* You got the training?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Captain, I can only guess how far into my future you're from, but it seems obvious that you'd have a better grasp on that than I would."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Pauses what he's doing upon hearing Carmen* What is it? Is the beeping something bad?
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *looks at H'Rilla for a brief moment and then just shakes his head*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: There have been several sub-orbital launches detected from Earth! First reaching low orbit before falling back to atmosphere...
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "What? Got something to say, Tharin?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: No, no... Not at all... *he lets a brief smile*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: What? That can't be right...*approaches the console on Elise's left*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "That's... odd."
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: refines the scan, attempting to determine what kind of projectiles are being fired.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Third time I've 'eard that in the last ten minutes, Sir."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: Admittedly, I'm better with machines...
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "We're in a very strange time."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Well, if anything should become relevant on this topic, I think it would be best if we attempt first to mitigate the issue discreetly. *Smiling warmly to him*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Sub-orbital projectiles detected. Likely some form of international war."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Hmm....*Steps back* Think you can get a better scan of what they were?
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: blinks. "...On Mars? In the mid-twentieth century?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I chuckle* Well, then, if you want to help, consider what you're doing as "running a diagnostic on a biologically-based android."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride] "I /really/ hope this isn't our fault."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: You lost me there.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: H'Rilla, I'd really like it if you stopped chatting up the two ladies back there and got back to work!
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: Er,... sure. *nods, smirking at Grenkat*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Yes, going to figure that out right away.. *she nods firmly, resuming her station*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Captain, a year ago I ran into a version of my first officer from the 25th Century, accidentally left my chief engineer's android duplicate in that time period, and met someone who could have been my great-great-great-granddaughter. I think we'll be able to handle it."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: misses Woodroid.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Well, then, I have your lead to follow, Captain. *Smiling, extending a hand again*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Earth, localised to Europe. Not detecting radiation, though we're a good distance away, still."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Turns back to Grenkat* Matter of Fact, Gren, I've got extra help as a result of chatting up these fine women!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: See where sunshine and rainbows getcha?
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: goes back to scanning the planet they're currently orbiting to see if she can figure out why the transporter is getting glitches.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Oh, well, nineteen forty four, aye? World War Two is still ragin'."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: H'Rilla, I'm pretty sure they were assigned to help us...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: ...
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *His console beeps, and he quickly heads over to it*
[Fleet] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Derp, I missed that sorry
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Turns back to the group of yellow shirts, and throws my hands up in mock defeat* WELL, we best get to work.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "But wit aboot what's goin' on wi' the transporter targetin', sir? Nuttin' yet?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Don't let us stop you, doctor.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: You've got to be-....
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Hey Liarro, this guy's looking for friends! He's cool!
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: More to it? *she calls behind her*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: have fun!
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: Got a tricorder handy, Doc?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Sure do.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Turns around* Elise, just /guess/ where the probe landed?
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Somewhere remote in the Arctic?
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Paris, France.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks to Tharin* "Haven't seen you around much."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I reach under the bed to the crate, and take out a medical tricorder*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she turns around, staring in some irritation* That is not funny.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *hands it to Mira, and smiles* Don't care if you were assigned here or not, the help's appreciated.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Actually, Captain, while the seniority rule does go by date of commission, your time of commission probably outstrips mine."
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: flicks the comms back on. [#*] "Bridge to transporter room: I'm getting temporal echoes that would probably be because we're both from different times... nothing else on this end."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Steps aside* I'm not. You can see for yourself.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Opposite shifts most likely...
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *winks as she takes the instrument and heads off to the bed nearest the door*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: And on my spare time, I usually keep to myself.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she hops to the science station quickly, poking at the buttons nervously* No, no, that can't be... a crash would have disastrous consequences...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Begins doing my own medical work on the patients*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Chuckling warmly to him* You know, just last week I almost had to invoke Regulation 191, Article 14 on a... well, let's just say an uncooperative colony administrator. But I'm willing to look the other way on that matter here, if you are.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: It would... *He says grimly*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok]: "Oh, now you princesses tell me... Well, that makes sense. Just like trying to beam to that Vorgon eyesore hanging over Risa last year."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *runs a scan on the crewman occupying the bed and checks the bedboard monitor*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Thankfully we're not in a combat situation, unless you wanted front row seats to the final year of World War II."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *slowly she retreats from the screen and back toward her station* You will have a difficult time getting it back, I think.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: This gauntlet reminds me of one of the exams I had to take at my medical school.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Makes two of us!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: How'd you do on yours?
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I suppose I'm fairly similar, I keep to myself a lot of the time."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Returns to his console and is silent for a few moments before asking, "Do you have any family there, right now?"*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Chuckling again* Perhaps, when this is over, we'll have to trade notes on that genre for movie night, eh, Captain? Otherwise, I think we're better off remaining here until we can sort out this mess with the anomaly.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: Possibly not, if that probe truly has crashed into the city. *she says with a heavy tone*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: I did fantastic, of course. This is me we're talking about.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: historical curiousity strikes and he turns his on scans towards Earth. "Huh... Track tanks... Early rockets. Planes. Kinda wanna take' a photo of... Uh, Commander?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. I am still trying to get to know people on this ship.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: chuckles. "I guess it was too much to hope that you already knew how to get back to our respective time periods."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I laugh* OH, MY BAD, I forget you're just the PINNACLE of an alien species who I had next to NO interactions with, MY BAD.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Oh... I... I'm sorry... *that's all he can say as he continues his work at bypassing the restrictions on the logs*
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "My name's Grei, by the way."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Winking to him, moving back towards the corridor* We're good. But we're not /that/ good, Captain.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Tharin Lanklyn, here. Nice to meet you.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Thank you, I accept your apology.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Pleasure to meet you, too."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she seemed to have spoken before realizing it herself, and slowly her posture sinks as does her focus*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Commander, you said ye didnae pick up any radiation frae Earth, richt?"
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: *Squeaks nervously, looking over at Elise's panel, finally un-frozen* C-Crashed?! The probe?!
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "I wasn't picking any up from the projectiles."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride] "Didn't they start dropping atom bombs during this era?"
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "At the end of the war, yes."
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Which is why I was scanning for radiation. It seems they haven't reached that point, yet."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks up* "Well, I sense something's tense on the bridge. I feel like I should head up there."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "So...obviously we need to figure a way out of this unless we're doomed to watch Earth's history repeat."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Would you like me to tag along or-...?
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "I'm seeing a sizeable patch at... Sixty degrees north, an about... sixty five north. Cross referencing wi' library computer..."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: I am going to see how closely it can be scanned. See what manner of damage there is...
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "East o' the Ural Montains. Auld Russia."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Well... *Quirking his moustache as he strolls back to the turbolift* Wouldn't be the worst era to be stranded, I suppose. But yes, I'm hopeful working together we can figure a way out of this.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "...Oh."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride]: "Russia? I thought it was Japan that got nuked during this time period."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well, I'm so happy for you!
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *glances at H'Rilla* This one has moderate plasma burns, Doc.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she taps her combadge* =/\= "Liarro to Elise, everything alright up there?"
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Only 'hing Russia really suffered frae until now was Tunguska, wisn't it?"
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Sickbay's just off Transporter Room Five, if you'd like to check on your people before beaming back over, Captain?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Looks back at Liarro* Hey, you talking to Elise? Tell her I said hi!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Rolls his eyes*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "...let's just hope there aren't any Vulcan survey ships passing near Sol, otherwise we'll be robbing Zefram Cochrane of one of his greatest accomplishments."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Also goes over to another crate, and takes out a Hypo*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: =/\= We have interesting reports to prepare *she says simply, before tapping out*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride]: "Where's that goofy Russian wonder kid I ran into back at Spacedock, when we need him?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Here ya go, this'll help with the burns.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Hands you the Hypo*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Murmansk? Reykavik?"
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Finishes with this patient, moving on to the next who's against the wall*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "The less time any of my people spend here is for the better, Captain."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Well, looks like things are going to get interesting."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *nods, takes the hypo and injects the crewman*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Indeed. *Then to the computer* Deck Eight.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Yakutsk?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Just apply a coldpack, and he'll be set for the moment.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *after the scans conclude, she takes a deep breath before tapping her badge once more* =/\= Bridge to Captain Demarcus.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *turns back to H'Rilla* Looks like an engineer, this one.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *About to step out of the turbolift, then tapping his combadge, eyes hesitantly moving to his right*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: =/\= Demarcus here, what is it, Ensign?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Glances at the officer on the table* Maybe they had the same problems we did.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: =/\= Sir, we have discovered our probe and have a fix on where it has landed. *she says while still looking at the screen*
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *nods* Tunguska was a meteor strike, wasn't it?
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *nods, gazing curiously at the crewman*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: perks a brow, wondering what the hell kind of communicator that is.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Lightly pats Mira's shoulder* They'll be all right.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "My Earth history is rusty..."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding to Thorpe as he continues* We'll need EV suits on Mars in this century... *Then continuing to Elise* Yes, Ensign, you've found the probe's coordinates on the surface?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: I gotta get back to it, though; you're doing fine so far.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: taps the comms button. [#*] "Midway to Thorpe."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *smiles and heads to the next bed*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: sighs and whips out his communicator, muttering, "...some things apparently never change."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she pauses uncomfortably* Yes, sir. The probe is currently somewhere in Paris.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [#*] "Thorpe here."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Smiles back before going back to his own patients*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Gren, how're you doing over there?
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nearly shouts*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: then glances in shock towards Demarcus.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I'm going to head up to the bridge. I don't think there's any need for 2 security officers here."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: =/\= PARIS?! *Then turns, concernedly looking to Thorpe, then looking down at his fellow Captain's communicator ominously, waiting for the other shoe to drop*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: I'm doing fine. You?
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: [#*] "We've detected subatmospheric projectile launches, and two radiation sources in Russia."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Sure thing, I'll keep an eye on things here.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Got this one in the bag... in a good way of course!
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [#*] "Wait... nuclear war?"
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "We'll talk later, in the lounge. Call me on the combadge if anything happens."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she nods, then walks out of sickbay, towards the turbolift*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Concernedly looking over again* Something is wrong... very wrong...
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: [#*] "I don't think the projectiles were nuclear themselves, they were all fired within Europe..."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *My ear is perked toward Tharin and Liarro as she leaves*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she quietly resumes her station under ordered further, keeping silent*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *gives a few steps back and leans against the wall behind him.*
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Did Russia do any nuclear weapons testing during this time?"
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She walks out on to the bridge from the turbolift, walking quickly over to Elise*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Grabs some supplies from the table, before walking past Tharin, slapping him on the arm as I do* Gotta new friend eh?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: mutters, "...dammit, of all the times we need Dimitri and his encyclopedic knowledge of Russian history..."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: Not until the latter half of the decade, if my Ancient Earth History is still good...
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: *Is Cuban, and nuclear missiles in the mid-20th century are /VERY/ relevant in Cuban history books.*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: I wouldn't call her a friend just yet... We are acquaintances.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "And nuclear power came after the atom bomb?"
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Finishes with his patient, standing up and moving on to another*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Our probe's on Earth, and Earth's fighting a nuclear war? This... this isn't right... *Looking over to Thorpe*
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *shakes his head* No one had nukes yet.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Did you get a longitude on those sources?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well she did wanna talk to you again, that's a start! *I say as I kneel down nearby to help out one of the injured*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Upon hearing H'Rilla's comment, rolls his eyes again*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "It's on Earth... now. But it might have arrived before we did."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "It's sizeable portions all over the regions east of the Ural mountain chain, Sir."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: We'll need more information, but unfortunately the Boston is without main power, so we cannot transport anyone that far, and until impulse power is restored...
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "There's too much radiation an' we're too far fir oor sensors to pinpoint a source, as banged up as they are."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *looks at the ceiling as he says* Well, I must say, on a first impression, I didn't think she would talk to me again, or at least, remember me.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [#*] "Mr. Wood, status of impulse drive?"
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: looks at the engineering readouts before answering.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "Right in the middle of Russia, then."
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: [#*] "Ah kin gie ye half impulse fir about an' 'our, Captain. Gie's a spell, and I can tie in the warp circuits tae git more time oot o' them."
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: I'd say "middle"'s relative, ma'am, as big as Russia is...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Quickly glances over at Tharin, before going back to my patient* Ya gotta have more confidence man! Getting friends around here ain't the hardest of tasks here, you just gotta go out and talk!
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "I get the feeling the next order we get is going to be 'beam down to Earth and find out what's going on'..."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Plenty of people here are happy to have new friends, me and Gren included!
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [#*] "That's more than the Boston can muster at the moment. Prepare to receive a delegation from their ship when I return."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Pensively runs the numbers in his head, having spent countless hours in conversation with V'Rul on Engineering matters* That should give you enough to get to Earth orbit, and then re-position on Luna's far side...
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *nods* Foregone conclusion. Only question's who.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: And Liarro's a great conversationalist!
[Fleet] Jack@n0d3stone: conclusion, too.
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: "I'm not going down. My pointed ears are a rather dead giveaway."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: I am just very selective when it comes to friends and there are times when I prefer to keep to myself. Especially when off-duty, but that is mostly to not having many friends on the ship yet.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Ah dinnae speak a lick o' Russian. French, aye. But no Russian."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *emerging from the mind cloud, she half-turns* News from the other ship?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "If that is your probe down there, we're going to need technicians from your ship, Captain."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Furrowing his brow worryingly, reluctantly agreeing* Agreed... *Then tabbing the turbolift panel again* Bridge.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *checks the monitor and gets the same reading as her first patient: plasma burns, only more widespread*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Well, if you ever come across Gren or I, even if we're with others, we'll be happy to introduce ya!
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Not that I've heard. I just sense a lot of people have become worried. I'd just read everyone's thoughts, but I'm trying to avoid doing that. Moi'ra won't let me hear the end of it."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *dials up the hypospray slightly and injects*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: If you're planning on scouting the surface, Captain, I've got a few things that might come in handy in my Ready Room. A couple of Ensigns I think you should take along as well.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: ... If you want that, of course.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Stepping out onto the bridge as the doors hiss open*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: No argument from me, Doctor.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: tries not to look.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: It may just be enough to know that most of us are afraid, at the moment, and for good reason?
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: You keep volunteering me in these comments, H'Rilla... not that I'm disagreeing, just noticing that you are. *Going to his next patient*
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Eeeeeeee! *Squeaking nervously, seeing the turbolift doors slide open with the two Captains*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Looks to where Carmen squeaked*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Tyral]: "Strange, he's taller than I thought..."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Smiles and nods at Tharin, before getting up* Well, Tharin reminds me of you, Grenny!
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Stepping out, then quickly ducking towards the Ready Room* Duarte, Auray... Fox, you might as well come along, too.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: And you turned out great!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: How's he remind you of me, exactly?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: keeps his hand by his eyes like he's walking through a gender-segregated bathroom.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Yeah, how do I remind you of him?
[24thRP] T'Lor@slinkiisu: [Siriinya] watches Thorpe closely, head tilted.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Looks to the others, confused for a moment* Did he mean us?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Tyral]: "Oh, right, the file image is from the 2290s. I imagine there'd be a reducting in height during that time."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: You both are... outsiders in your own ways, I suppose.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *taking a moment to steady herself, she glances at her fellow Ensigns* Come along I suppose.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Slides an old style suitcase from under a shelf in the side-alcove, bringing it back to the Ready Room desk, he opens it and slaps a heavy three ring binder onto the surface, immediately tabbing through pages of plastic sheets, containing various denominations of currency, both Human and otherwise*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "A shame I left my father back on Delta Seginus. His stamp collection might also be useful."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Eeeee! *Waving nervously fingers waggling to the visitor* Hiyee?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Gren's literally an outsider, and Tharin barely knows anyone.
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she swiftly assumes a proper posture*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *pulls the sheets up to the crewman's chest and moves to the next bed*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: It's in the /character/, guys!
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Keeps his composure, as he can assume what he's about to be told*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Darseks, Leks, Latinum... here we go. *Extracting several plastic sheets each labeled "FRANCE: 1919-1946*
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this...
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: When I first set foot on the ship, I thought of approaching a crewmember and then just waiting for somebody's birthday party, so I could introduce myself.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *he laughs at his own comment*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Turning to Thorpe as he extracts several items, moving to the replicator as he inquires* How's your French, Captain?
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: The first thing I thought when getting aboard was "Wow, these people look very strange."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Décent, mais je préfère m'appuyer sur le traducteur universel."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: The Ferengi would get a similar reaction from what I hear...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Goes to get a few things, and place them around the room*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she giggles quietly, and then clears her throat*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Glances to Elise and mutters* Well at least one of us understood what was just said...
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Replicator wooshes, having multiplied the Francs inputted, as Demarcus moves back towards Thorpe, extending his hand with a stack of banknotes, as well as a neat stack of shiny coins* Good, so you'll know these denominations?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Smiles and nods at Mira as I walk past her*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *smiles and scans her next patient*
Mira@n0d3stoned#8985 runs a medical diagnostic.
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: The second reaction I had was, "Wow, it sure is strange meeting a woman in person."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Hell, if this were a story i was reading, the author would see it that you two become friends!
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Let's just hope the value of the franc didn't drop on account of whatever's changed in the past."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *glances at the crewman laying in this bed and tries to comfort him as she notices an obvious source of discomfort* Some broken ribs here, Doc.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *taps a button on the monitor*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Well, that's hopefully what you'll be finding out by the time Boston's got main power restored. *Turning to the Ensigns* Fox, Auray, Liarro, Duarte Núñez. *Turning to his left* You'll be joining Thorpe on a reconaissance mission to Paris.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Glances over at Mira, before coming over, grabbing a Hypo as I do*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Putting the hypo down, I glance at what the monitor says, and nods*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she glances incredulously to Captain Demarcus* Sir?
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: We're....we're going to Earth?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Don't worry, infiltrating societies of this development level is starting to become old hat for my crew and I."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Paris? Oh my."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Guess I had better brush up on my French."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Smirking to Thorpe, then motioning to the turbolift as he taps his combadge*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Alright
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Uhh, where's the... oh, right.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Let's beam over to the Midway. The Boston, as they say in this century, has a flat tire."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Did you misplace something /again/?
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: =/\= Mr. Bajn, if you would have the industrial replicators provide some mid-1940s civilian attire, European fashion, and meet us in Transporter Room Five?
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *grabs a device*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she opens up to say something in protest, but ultimately deflates and falls into line*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Hand me your tricorder, if you'd please.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I should probably dye my hair, my grey hair probably would make me stick out."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Stop by your quarters real quick, get that fixed up.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: perks a brow at Liarro. "You're Betazoid, aren't you?"
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Yes, I am."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: If you must, be make it quick. I'll have Counselor Siriinya beam over with cosmetic tools, I believe she has some expertise.
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *listens as Tirik answers* =/\= I'll be along shortly, sir. Bajn out.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "And yes, my hair is grey."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "My parents and I visited Betazed when I was a boy."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: ... You've gotta go?
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Smirks as he moves out to the turbolift* Not many Betazoids in Starfleet back in those days?
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *hands H'Rilla her tricorder*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Follows the captains out*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: I'm probably up for transport duty soon.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Heh, well I'll say this, that'll change."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Slaps Liarro's arm*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "...I didn't think this overwhelming sense of old age would hit me until my 50s..."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Lightly, of course*
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Wait until you have teenagers, Captain... *Chuckling softly as he announces to the turbolift* Deck Eight.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Hey, I'm not saying anything that'll disrupt the timeline."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Taps buttons on both the tricorder and the device, hesitates, and when I see what i'm looking for, I smile, and hand the tricorder and the device back to you* Well, I hope for your safe return, but before you go, if you'd just hold that device over the damaged ribs for several seconds, until your tricorder beeps.
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *looks over at Woody* Might as well head down and start checkin' stuff out. Don't wanna catch ourselves dead in space, if someone down there develops somethin' that can hit us.
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Unlikely." shrugs. "But still, a' the best tae tryin' get us ship shape."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Waiting for the rest to arrive* I can send oveer Doctor H'Rilla with the team as well, if you need assistance getting your Sickbay repaired, Captain.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I'll have to find some kind of hair dye."
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *chuckles* Oh, you know we broke -somethin'-.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "That'd be appreciated, Captain."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Counselor Siriinya should be along momentarily, Ensign. *Then nodding along to Thorpe*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: "Like, half th eship, aye." smirks.
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: [Anonymous brunette child] walks into the transporter room, carrying a large bag. "Who needs cosmetics?"
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: Ha! *as he enters the turbolift*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: perks a brow.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: =/\= Demarcus to Doctor H'Rilla, please report to Transporter Room Five for... Away Team assignment. *Lacking a more accurate title*
[24thRP] Jack@n0d3stone: *grabs a handle* Engineering.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Grins from ear to ear* Wow...
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she looks at Siri and smiles* "What in the name of the four deities? Siri?"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Taps my combadge* =/\= H'Rilla here, I'll be there shortly.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Smirks over to Siri* She's good; I'll give the Counselor credit.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: You are in luck, Doctor; you'll be getting out of sickbay...
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: And leaving all the work to me.
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Eeeee! *Squeaks, finding Siri's outfit adorable*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *nods and does as instructed*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Life is unfair...
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "I need black hair dye."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "I think I'll need a more human name. And I'm pretty sure one of you are going to have to be my parent. I've been working on this for a while."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Something that works fast too."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I glance over to Tharin and to grenkat* Well... Hey, We could always use some extra security!
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she looks to Carmen* "Well, your skin tone matches hers more."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Don't take my only friend, too! *Looks to H'Rilla and pouts playfully*
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: pops open her bag, tugging out an aerosol. "Bend down, I'll sort that out."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Motioning to the pad* Mr. Bajn should be along shortly with enough attire for my people, as well as any of course you consider appropriate to this mission, Captain.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she crouches* "That sounds a lot different out of context."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Would have loved to join your excursion but someone has to stay on the ship.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "We still have a few things left over from the last time we tried something like this, Captain."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I smirk* Well glad to know you figured out who your friends are, Gren.
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: carefully applies the spray to Liarro's hair, making sure not to get it anywhere else.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: But as your not-friend, I see it neccessary to take your one true friend away from you!
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: Good. The Duarte-Bajns like to have options, as I recall. *Winking to Carmen as she nervously steps up onto the transporter pad*
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *laughs in his corner*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "I see in your time period, captains have unusual amount of knowledge about the personal lives of your subordinates."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Fine, take him away...*sighs* why do all the good ones have to be taken? *Goes to the next patient*
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks up towards her now dyed hair* "I hope this can be removed easily." *She stands back up once Siri is done spraying it*
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "This should last a few days, unless you wash it out with the right gel."
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Chuckling still, looking over towards the assembled Ensigns* Well, in some cases they make it easy, but I prefer to have an egalitarian relationship with my staff, Captain. *Smiling warmly, quirkin his moustache*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I scoff and give Gren a funny face* We'll get you a bestie in due time, gren, all in due time!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I grab a medkit*
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *makes for the transporter room*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Alright, Tharin, on me.
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Anyone else need anything?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: You serious? I am coming?
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: points at Tyler. "If you're coming, you'll probably have to be my dad. Our hair colour is close enough to get away with it."
[24thRP] Mira@n0d3stoned#8985: *enters the transporter room and takes her station, noting the colorful dress of her shipmates*
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *this raises another giggle from her*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I nod* I don't think any of these guys will be going anywhere for some time, yeah, and the Cap can always just call up someone else, yeah? *Smiles*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: All right, then, I get to pick out your name. *Says with a grin*
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "If you call me something stupid, I'm going to be a brat."
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Doubt there is any more room in the away team, but it doesn't hurt to check.
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Extends a hand towards Thorpe as the rest assemble on the transporter pad one by one* Best of luck, Captain, and... *Unclipping his combadge, handing it to him* This may come in handy.
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Chuckles, getting on to the pad*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: We'll make room. Cya later Grenny!
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: Have fun!
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Cya Gren...
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: holds the badge for a moment, as if pondering something. "We'll try not to be long, Captain."
[24thRP] Grenkat@LordHelmet0716: *Sighs, now left alone in sickbay to tend to the wounded*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Think we'll finally get to go onto the other ship?
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: Wouldn't that be sweet?
[24thRP] Demarcus@gabycee#6848: *Nodding, eyes looking to the combadge in Thorpe's hand* We'll be in touch, Captain. *Then turning to Mira* Energize, Ensign.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Dude, I'd love to see a piece of history like that Constitution class...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: 'Ey, Boss!
[24thRP] Tirik@n0d3stone: *stores his toolkit, having updated the Engineering log and replicated the requested clothing. He grabs said clothing and hurries into the lift*
[24thRP] Tirik@n0d3stone: *to Computer* Transporter Room Five.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok suddenly perks up as there's an incoming transporter signal to the Midway]: "...what in the? He's coming back with /more/ people than he left with."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: ** Lok is not impressed: **
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok] "Oh, wonderful. Princesses from the future."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Oh, look, a grumpy dwarf man."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: *Squeaks, tugging the hem of her skant nervously, gripping her security-Tirik for dear life* Princesses?
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Mouth is open as he looks around at the old ship* Wow...
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok] "Careful, little one, less the ship's counselor's Dinner eats you."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "A"
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "I didn't know dinner could eat."
[24thRP] Tirik@n0d3stone: *tries not to laugh at the irreverence of Midway's transporter chief*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Let's spare our guests the Dinner and a show, Chief."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Looks around the transporter room, excited and curious*
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Steps off the pad, following the captain's lead*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Follows suit*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: " can move. I promise you, this ship's a number of years from being a museum piece."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: *Whimpers nervously as she steps forward* It's like a museum...
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Continues to look around in awe*
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: Wow! A real duotronic transporter console!
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Doesn't smell like a museum."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *mumbles to myself* Part of history... what fun!
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "There's actually a few still in service I believe."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Does it use a stick shift?"
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: Limping across the galaxy...
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: *She starts looking it over, no doubt to the transporter chief's annoyance*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [Lok]: "Wonderful. It's apparently tourist season on the starship Midway."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she seems to stumble slightly* "Well, they sure haven't perfected inertial dampeners yet..."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Let's get out of the chief's hair. And beard."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Looks to Lok* Where's the gift shop again?
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: Uhm, okee...
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Notices the others leaving and follows*
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: Sorry, it's just classy as hell.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "And... try to keep any future knowledge to yourselves."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She pats Moi'ra on the back* "Hey, Spots, glad you made it."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Last thing I want to be is kicked off this amazing ride of yours!
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "What about 'in the future, things happen!'?"
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: *mumbles to self* Nice uniforms...
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *she bumps into the very uncomfortable wall decoration*
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "Also... try not to do that in Paris."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Looks over the handle* Hmm...
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: many... miniskirts...
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: twists a handle. "Deck One."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: *Wiggles into the cramped turbolift, squirming to make sure everyone can fit*
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Don't go looking up them." *She chuckles*
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: *Blushes*
[24thRP] Keiran@Keroji: looks back. "Cap'n. Assorted Temporalnauts."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: [T'Lor] looks up, and stares. "Intriguing."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: What a view...
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "Well, this is... quite odd."
[24thRP] Tirik@n0d3stone: *looks around, wide-eyed, as he exits the lift and enters Midway's bridge*
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: *Spins half-way around* Who ordered pajamas?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "That object we passed before we encountered the Boston. It was one of their probes."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks around* "What is that beeping?"
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: Wow... they had to use cartridge drives for the duotronic systems on this ship... I would love to look at the software running this ship.
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride turns and stagewhispers to Xaq]: "Those could be our grandkids, for all we know."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: [T'Lor] "Systems working in the background. I'd assume the probe is the reason we need to head down?"
[24thRP] Tirik@n0d3stone: *nods animatedly at Moi'ra*
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *Leans toward Elise* Ain't this some adventure we got ourselves into, eh?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "And the reason why they're here. Mr. McBride, plot a course for Earth. Try to keep us on the day side of the planet as much as possible."
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride nods]: "Aye, sir."
[24thRP] Elise@kj18#4208: *shaking her head* So much must not be thought about.
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: *Turning back to her console* I dunno, only one who looks remotely Cubana is blondie in the back.
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: Tirik, think we can get the Chief to let us replace the controls on the pool table with these?
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: [McBride]: "Exactly! What if she is... oh, right. Course laid in, Captain."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Wow, so this is early Federation stuff."
[24thRP] Tyler@ruler968#8423: *Leans over to Carmen* I'm shocked you haven't started poking Tirik yet. He's right over there.
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "It's very... pointy."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Uugghhh... the curiosity... must... focus.. on... mission.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *She looks to H'Rilla, then back forward, then back to H'Rilla again.* "So, uhh, how are we going to hide this big cat here?"
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: *Smirks, clacking her helm console* I have one half impulse power available, Captain. *Turning to Keiran* Chief says only an hour...
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: Analog controls, so much better than touchscreen.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I look at Liarro* Hide?
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "So many buttons!"
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Why would I be doing any hiding?
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "We need to blend in, don't we?"
[24thRP] Gregory Thorpe@Norcaler: "So we'll make this quick. Hit it, Lieutenant."
[24thRP] Tirik@n0d3stone: *to Moi'ra* I'll ask.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Blend in?
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "We're going to Paris."
[24thRP] Carmen Duarte@GabyBee: [Xaquelina]: Aye, sir! Course set for... Earth!
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: Well, Earth at this time was only humans, Doctor. The only suborbital craft they had was a type of cruise missile.
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *My face first shows excitement, then realizing what this might mean, it falls*
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: They haven't even launched satellites yet!
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: Yeah... no hiding for me...
[24thRP] Moi'ra@Roffhessa: I dunno, maybe if we strategically shaved you...
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: "And, they don't exactly have.." *She stumbles when the ship starts moving* "Damn inertial dampeners... look, we're either going to have to make you an amazing mask, or get you to walk on all fours.
[24thRP] Tharin@CaptainJamesArcher: No amount of shaving can fix that.
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: ..and say you're an exotic pet."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: ...
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: NEITHER of those ideas are going to happen, as /fun/ as they may be.
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Sorry, no amount of cosmetics would hide that he's not human, sorry."
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "Even my disguising isn't *that* good."
[24thRP] Liarro@cosby714#3394: *she giggles* "You'll have to stay on this ship, probably."
[24thRP] H'Rilla@xela5289: *I sigh* Yeah, well, that's it then.
[24thRP] Siriinya@slinkiisu: "What's this for?"



Category: General News
Tags: Earth, alternate history, Boston, Midway
