

Posted on 30 Jul 2024 @ 12:18pm by Commander Zekru Krelossi


There was a flash of light, heat, and pain as the dugout room in the sewer went blissfully black.

When time restarted was a mystery. The first sign was the ringing in the ears, blocking out all external auditory stimuli. Not optimal, but to be expected given the explosion. The Saurian cracked a large eye, and even though things were blurry, at least he was still able to see. Also suboptimal, but most likely recoverable.

-Pain is a thing of the mind-

Next, movement. The burning sensation down his back was quite painful, almost unbearable, but his gloves appeared to have shielded his hands from the majority of the damage. He focused for a moment, and one of his fingers on the right hand scratched against the floor in response. Good, at least limited motion was possible.

-The mind can be controlled-

The room rocked again, and chunks of concrete began to fall into his field of view. Secondary explosion? Room collapse? Unknown, but escaping the bunker must be the top priority.

-Pain is a thing of the mind-

Legs? Legs were not responding, no matter how hard he tried. Unfortunate, but the burning sensations may be responsible? But if he could reach his left wrist, that's where he had concealed his communicator and could signal for an emergency beamout. Slowly... far too slowly, the right arm started to slide toward where he felt like the left was.

-The mind can be controlled-

Distantly, there was an impact to his side. While the pain it caused was immense, it must be discarded. He must get his hand to the communicator. Perhaps someone was trying to lift him? No matter, the motion from the external source helped his hand flop closer to its goal and he slid a finger onto the communicator.


-Pain is a thing of the mind-


-The mind can be controlled-


The communicator vibrated under his finger, hopefully signaling it was starting the program he had set up before leaving the ship.

The familiar cool wash of energy from the transporter began to tingle over his body, and the last vestiges of his mental control slipped away. As the pain overwhelmed him, Zekru's consciousness slipped away into the blissful release of unconsciousness.


