Dragon, The

Created by Ensign Tihla Harper on 15 Dec 2024 @ 8:39am

The Dragon

Operator: Independent Raider

Commissioned: Unknown

Class: Slithus-class escort vessel

Registry: Unknown

Commanding Officer: Captain F'arru

The Dragon, a Slithus-class escort vessel operating on the fringes of Federation space as a raider vessel. Roughly translated from Ferasan to Federation Standard, the ship's name is "Dragon". F'arru took command of the ship when her parents were killed in a raid gone bad in 2365. Not much is known at this time on the vessel itself.

On January 4, 2368, the vessel engaged the USS Boston in combat at an automated argonite transfer facility. The attack by the Boston was an attempt to extract six undercover crew from a two week investigation into issues with the Mariposas and one Dr. Kolsus. A way to track the vessel was installed by the undercover crew prior to their extraction.

By the end of January, 2368, the vessel and her crew, cleared of any wrong doing in Federation space, struck a deal with the Macadarnan government to become a patrol vessel and freighter for the Federation world. Captain F'arru agreed to the terms of the agreements offered by M'Tala Shissar R'Relar, Sub-Secretary in Ministry of Internal Affairs of planet Macadarna, Caitian Union.

Notable crew members include:

  • First Officer: M'oss (Ferasan, age uknown, F)
  • Chief Engineer: M'miiri (Ferasan, 37, F)
  • Medic: H'saan (Ferasan, 34, M)
  • Quartermaster: Tolis (Romulan, age unknown, F)
  • Security Officer: K'tarn (aka 'K') (Ferasan, 39, F)
  • Crewmember: Arzhi (Gorn, age unknown, M)
  • Crewmember: Nall (Ferasan, 19, M)
  • Crewmember: Shaow (Ferasan, age unknown, M)
  • Crewmember: Sr'ash (Ferasan, age unknown, M)

The Dragon

The Dragon

The Dragon

Categories: Starships