Created by Ensign Tihla Harper on 15 Dec 2024 @ 8:31am
Name: F'arru
Year of Birth: 2345
Personality: Can be quick to anger; learned the lesson her parents failed to learn in not biting off more than she can chew.
Notable Features: Large hooped nose ring; Dark purple/blue fur with a light blue stripe of fur running down her face.
Favored weapons: Always carries a large D'k tahg; can be seen with a unique disruptor pistol or a red scimitar.
Favorite drink: Aldebaran Whiskey
Captain of the "Dragon", a Slithus escort vessel. Daughter of pirate raiders.
She inherited the ship from her parents when they were killed in a raid gone bad in 2365. She took command and ordered the Dragon to retreat in order for the vessel to not be destroyed.
She is not as vicious as her parents were, finding that a bit of kindness here and there has helped in numerous situations. She takes it very personally if she's ever stabbed in the back, making it her personal duty to deal with those who betray her appropriately.
In 2367, Captain F'arru had two encounters with the U.S.S. Boston crew. The first being at an underworld criminal den on Nebri V in mid-2367, where she unsuccessfully tried to broker a deal with the 'Kotori Pirate Gang'. Then again in December, 2367, when she encountered CMO H'Rilla and ensigns Pragann and Tihla Harper at a station known as 'Highline Forum' orbiting Tezit IX. There, the three officers posed as corrupt Starfleet officers in an attempt to find information on who might have attacked the U.S.S. Lishui, a runabout on loan to the Mariposas.
In a return visit to the station by Boston crew, they were able to retrieve the sensor data on the attacking vessel from F'arru in exchange for a contract to haul argonite to locations within the Federation.
Categories: Characters