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Just in case.

Posted on 18 Dec 2017 @ 7:36pm by Ensign Rebin Ragam
Edited on 02 Jan 2018 @ 9:15am

((Personal logs are written as if transcribed from a recorded video log, may include actions, stuttering, self-corrections, etc...))

Ensign Ragam, R. Personal Log.
Stardate: 39681.9

Hello Mother, Father. I hope this finds you well. I am settling in fine, and have my first assignment. It is certainly rather cavalier, but that's as much as I can say about that. *There is a reflective look on the Ensign's face, he takes a swig of blue liquid from a half-full tall glass tumbler. Then places is down and stares into camera.* Replicated... need some of the Family's finest. *A slight chuckle follows and an almost force grin is maintained.* I'm finally getting the hang of my assigned shuttlecraft though, about time with the simulator hours I'm churning through on the holodeck. She's more solid then any light craft I've piloted, but I kind of like that. It makes the manoeuvres she can pull all the more surprising.

Yeah, she's got all the Federation patterns in her. *A more sincere half-grin emerges at a five second pause as Ragam seems to look just behind the screen then glances back to camera.* But I've really got to grips with her movements. I can pull a trick or two, she rolls just like a training shuttle. Then you can actually slide her around by the tail if needed.

*The humour drops from Ragam's face, it forming the reflective look again, and a further swig of blue liquid is had.* This is all well and good, but there is a chance of something happening... *There is a ten second pause. In this time the Ensign looks at his hands, around the terminal but does not move from the seat and then stares into the screen again. This time his eyes are fixed, solidly staring.* So if something happens, know I was doing my best... with those that were doing the same. I love you all...

*There is a pause, and it is clear the Ensign is holding back tears in his eyes.* They are all counting on me, I will show them how I can fly. *Ragam drains the glass and looks away for a moment, then nods three times.* They all joked, and laughed at the briefing, although Carmen and I didn't. What's wrong with us, with me? Maybe it's first mission jitters. Here's hoping the Boston is as vigilant as my shuttlecraft is fast. As old Sour-face Sowards at the Academy would say, 'chocks away.' More time in the holodeck for me tonight.

Computer, end log entry.


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