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Did my point get across?

Posted on 29 May 2021 @ 10:09pm by Lieutenant S'Roiti Ormuz

Computer, personal log. Current Stardate.

I had to laughed, really.... Sometimes the diplomatic was isn't just satisfying enough to quench the thirst for a little justice.

It has been eating at me for sometime and, if you knew the circumstances you probably would do the same.

The bastard should have kept his mouth shut.

*He chuckles to himself with anger still oozing from every orifice that ever existed in him.
A good shake of his head would form as it trying to convince himself to regain some form of composure.

It wasn't working. Not at all. *

Well, here it is. The day has come where he ends up on his ass.

I know I know. It is out of my character and certainly will add a 'black Mark's on my record. I frankly. Honestly, bluntly was worth it.

His name is Lieutenant Shrov Ch'qahlehr. A bloody andorian that if he listened to my words, would have made a mission that was so bloody simple...well, simple.

*Not that it can be seen in a log but he clenched his fist while he other held a drink. He was back in his quarters now, he was a little shocked by that.*

See, when talking to a Klingon, you need to be forceful, blunt and rather forward. The lieutenant for whatever reason, failed to remember done final rule. Do not insult their status, actions or honour. Especially on their own domain.


Well, the Klingon didn't take kindly to the idea that a mission of his caused more hard than good and, as expected, a fight ensued.

What he didn't realize was that this Klingon in particular was a captain of a ship that was vital effort in my mission.

The Captain also didn't take kindly that the Andorian that insulted him, also beat him.

• He laugh to himself outright at that and shook his head while adjusting himself in the chair he sat in. A look would be given to the window as he continued to speak with a matter of fact like tone.*

Well. He walked in while I was speaking to Doctor Sesenek, who I might add, allowed me to regain some form of composure before Shrov entered the bar with a damn smug and egotistical personality.

To be honest I almost wanted the Vulcan to insist on staying. He knew well that I was having some.... Issues.

• He shakes his head and laughs not so proud like. It wasn't his finest moments... Well, shortly it wasn't. *

Well the Doctor holding respect made his exit while Shrov made under way over with that smirk on his face that would anger even... Sesenek. I would suspect anyway.

We sat down and even though this man caused a lot of issues, career altering issues.....

*He paused a moment thinking back. *

Well, we were on Archanis and I was directed to converse with a Captain. We wanted to forge a relationship and passage though his house. A diplomatic measure we used often to build friendships.....

Then lieutenant Shrov opened his bloody mouth. I seriously couldn't believe it. A fight formed.... Naturally. Six officers were sent to the Infirmary along with about the same on the Klingon side....

*He debates to himself in regards to the numbers finally deciding that it literally irrelevant*

To say the least. We lost a lot of ground in the Diplomatic fashion.... And! Shrov didn't see anything in regards to it.

Command believed it was blamed on the Klingons. Can you believe that!?
Okay, I could....

Still the relation I built with the Captain was a good one. I actually considered him a friend. After that, I was transfered to Qo'Nos itself. It was a rewarding time but the stain on my record was permanent in the eyes of a Klingon.

We can't just insult someone.... Insult a Klingon.

*He actually takes the glass in his hand and throws it against the wall I. His quarters. It shatters and sends liquid all over the place. After a few moments though, he would continue speaking. *

The arrogant asshole had the nerve to sit down with me. Lean in and ask how my Klingon friend was doing.

He laughed and sat back before ordering both of us a bloodwine each.

I tried to regain a little composure because that is what is expected of me. Sometimes that is just pure bullshit.


I thought I did good to be honest and after a few moments. We get alone and simply reminisce over old times. It wasn't always bad...

Let's just say, the conversation wasn't short and then it came up. His ex.

The table was tossed by Shrov with such a beautiful display. Right out of a holoseries. I am a little surprised it didn't hit someone on the dancefloor.

The Andorian was fast, all of them are, but I knew the punch was coming. It hit the side of my face.

*He paused a moment while his hand reached for the cheek, still sore and he was certain there was a bruise under his fur.*

I was in such a posture that I was able to use my upper body to absorb the hit by moving slightly with the punch. Not resisting the connection.

As I was already primed by his movements, it wasn't much to rotate my own body, hips and feet to connect with the face of my friend....

He went down and I am sure I broke a knuckle or two...

*Takes a deep breath in and adjusts himself in his seat while adding to the log.*

I may or may not have stood over the Andorian telling him to get up. I am not going to lie, I really wanted him to get up.

Really really wanted him to get up.

It wasn't until I heard Joe's voice yelling towards him. I recall looking up at him with anger...the whole proverbial seeing red. K'Rosu was standing next to him and...well... I felt a little shame.

Normally my composure is held...even in the most dire situations.

Perhaps it is my medical stuff getting to me. Stress and all?

Either way. I couldn't bare seeing Joe and the young Caitian standing there. K'Rosu even stepped up to the plate in defense.

A good kid...

I excused myself pretty fast and made my way to security before they even had the chance to come get me. I didn't even bother looking back. Seriously, I hope Shrov is okay..

*He offered a subtle and casual shrug to his last statement. *

I assume they didn't press charges, I didn't throw the first punch and all...

Perhaps the Captain, commander....I don't know. I was released to my quarters and now I wait.

Perhaps it is time for me to live up to the reality. Can I seriously show my face before the crew and adhere to the ideals of my position on the ship?

I suppose we will see what the Captain has to say....

End log.


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