Ensign Tahna Mira
Name Tahna Mira
Position Propulsion Specialist
Rank Ensign
Last Post
Character Information
Full Name | Tahna Mira | |
Gender | Female | |
Species | Bajoran | |
Age | 29 | |
Date of Birth | 15 October 2338 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) | |
Weight | 130 lbs (59 kg) | |
Hair Color | Red | |
Eye Color | Green |
Cultural and Family Summary
Homeworld | Bajor VIII (Bajor) | |
Residence(s) | Jalanda City | |
Father | Tahna Khut | |
Mother | Tahna Bavi | |
Languages Known | Basic, Bajoran |
Primary and Secondary Education | N/A (homeworld occupied by Cardassion Union) | |
Undergraduate Institution | Starfleet Academy | |
Undergraduate Fields of Study | Engineering |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Has a protective streak, particularly where people in her charge are concerned. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Springball, music, food (especially of the spicy variety) |