Ensign Zhaan Dal

Name Zhaan Dal

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign


  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

08 Nov 2022 @ 9:59am

Character Information

Full Name Zhaan Dal
Gender Female
Species Violacean
Age 26
Date of Birth 29th May

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 6
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Skintone Dark Purple
Build Petite
Features Black hair, Green eyes and dark purple skin.
Physical Description A bit curvy but not overweight. She is considered very naturally beautiful for a Violacean, however she seems pretty oblivious to the fact and is a born engineer.

Cultural and Family Summary

Nickname(s) None
Alias(s) None
Homeworld Born on Violacean homeworld.
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Spouse(s) Single
Other Family No other known family. Zhaan's parents were engineers and died on duty when a warp core exploded on the ship they were serving on when she was 8.
Languages Known English and Violacean


Additional or Miscellaneous Education or Training Starfleet Academy Engineering major - Warp Core Mechanics

Personality & Traits

General Overview Zhaan is an extremely upbeat energetic little engineer. She has served on starbases for the past 3 years and is excited about her first starship posting. She loves anything to do with warp cores and dorkily worships them in a joking way.
Strengths & Weaknesses Zhaan only requires 2 hours of sleep a night due to her physiology. She can survive on far less for extended periods of time. She often does multiple shifts in engineering due to this.

She does require calorie and nutrient dense food around 15k calories a day duento a high motabalisim. She can find herself in trouble in rationing situations as her body requires a high calorie intake to function.

Zhaan is extremely selfless, this is both a strength and weakness. She cares a lot about other people. She always wants to keep people happy and make friends as she has not got many herself. A lot of people can find her too intense...
Ambitions Wants to be a chief engineer one day on a state of the art starship to honor her father and mother. Her father had recieved a promotion to chief engineer and was due to take up the assignment shortly before he was killed by a warp core explosion on his existing assignment leaving Zhaan orphaned. She has a love of the new Nebula class starships.
Hobbies & Interests Likes to play video games, play the electric bass guitar to earth rock songs. She also loves earth fantasy works from the 20th century particularly Lord of the Rings.

Personal History Zhaan was orphaned at the age of 8. Her father and mother were starfleet engineers. Her father was due to be promoted and head to a posting as chief engineer, however the warp core breached and destroyed the ship him and his wife were serving on. Having no other family Zhaan was on her own for most of her life, she learned to adopt an extremely positive mindset and she rarely if ever lets anything get her down. She is a massive nerd and dork. She loves anything fantasy related and engineering. Her ambition was to build a federation starship class when she was a kid. She would draw pictures of them plan them out. It drove her to want to become an engineer.

When her father and mother died. She became obssessed with becoming an engineer particularly a chief engineer to honor her father.
Service Record 2362 - Graduates starfleet academy Ensign.

2362-2365 - serves as an engineering technician aboard starbase 88.