Lieutenant M'eklai t'Daenar

Name M'eklai t'Daenar

Position Helm Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Last Post

Character Information

Full Name M'eklai t'Daenar
Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 26
Date of Birth 2337.September.9

Physical Appearance

Height 1.8m
Weight 77.1kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Skintone Dark tan
Features Scar on her lower lip, right side. Northerner forehead ridges.
Physical Description A lanky, well toned woman of around 5'11" with prominent forehead ridges typical of a Romulan from the Northern continents. Her build is muscular, from many years of maintaining the farm she grew up on. She carries herself lightly on the balls of her heels, bouncing slightly as she walks in a jovial fashion. M'eklai compliments her carefree attitude with a homesteader warble, not too dissimilar from a Human country accent.

Cultural and Family Summary

Father Klaato
Mother E'sha
Languages Known Romulan formal, basic.


Primary and Secondary Education Daenar Provincial Settlement Primary Education Center
Undergraduate Institution Le'alta Provincial Career Education Center
Additional or Miscellaneous Education or Training Imperial Navy Centurion training regiment, 5th Cohort Le'alta Legionnaires.
Tactical Specialist Certification- Weapons Engineering
Space-faring vessel Pilot's Certification

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Her free time is either spent furthering her exercise routine, or antagonizing people she likes; If she makes fun of you it probably means she wants to be friends.
She's passionate, and not afraid of expressing how she feels in any situation. Her emotional barriers are thin, which can make her extremely empathetic just as much as it encourages her fiery attitude. Her guts feelings are what she bases her decisions on, and her moral compass is firm.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her moral compass.
Ambitions In her own words, "A small farm on an outskirt colony world, a wife to holds hands with, and a cellar full of homebrew Kali-fal."
Hobbies & Interests Hiking is a passion of hers, and she'll take any opportunity to go backpacking through the wildnerness.

In a similar fashion, she's able to identify most plants by name, and takes a great deal of pride in her gardening skills.

Service Record _:Le'alta Province Imperial Legionnaires- 5th Cohort, Centurion rank.
_//:Demotion to Lieutenant
_:Colonial Navy Assignment- I.R.W. Irixidon