
Created by Lieutenant JG Talda Vauna on 09 Nov 2024 @ 1:10am


Name: Shammat-ku

Species: Dorllian

Homeworld: Dorilla A

Role: Marshdweller

OOC Notes:

Mildly telekinetic few ounces/grams. Age of Surut is when red dwarf Dorilla B is within the inner solar system. Nirintu is city name, 60k population, sandstone and mud brick, over thousand years old though destroyed and rebuilt more than once. Few km from ocean. River is just called 'The River'. Ar-seed is a precious stone, dilithium ore.

Encountered when gathering plants within the marshlands. Brings PCs back to village, central hut. Seeking Ar-seed without it initially being obvious as being another name for dilithium. Technique is like wading for clams. Barefoot in shallow water, sweeping legs to stir up silt and feeling for chunks of Ar-seed with feet.

Seeks Ar-seed for multiple reasons: can be made into knives, jewelry, traded. Owns a bronze knife made in Nirintu which is more decorative than functional and thus desires an Ar-seed one. Views Away Team like city-dwellers, decadent and naive, they do not know how to survive in marshlands. Operated under the assumption that she needed to provide away team shelter and rescue until proven otherwise.

Three languages, spoken, whistles for other gatherers over distance, and sign language for hunting with a cultural assumption that the Away Team would be aware of all this already being City-Dwellers.

Believes all objects have a god-spirit, says 'nahash' as prayer when breaking a stone, killing an animal or planet.

Has a companion "Pash-niturm" that resembles an eppoh.

Categories: Characters