
Created by Lieutenant JG Talda Vauna on 09 Nov 2024 @ 12:55am

Factory Worker Factory Worker Name: Dasa-Ua

Species: Nollite

Role: Former factory worker turned liaison

First to receive The Rell cure, spent extended time aboard U.S.S Boston, lost factory job while on Boston, now working to help spread The Rell cure, currently on Assedo VI.

Notes: Named the local rat a "Gavyui". Offer of stew turned down by Away Team. Yaekq-Got Company owns weapons factory.

Shared information on situation on her homeworld with Boston Away Team: At war with Porglaq for twelve years. Porglaq itself in the midst of a civil war with clashes between one "Alliance of Jekk" and a "Confederacy of Huliar".

Categories: Characters