
Created by Lieutenant JG Talda Vauna on 08 Nov 2024 @ 6:31pm

Ferengi DaiMon

Ferengi DaiMon in command of the D'Kora-class 'Grikot' was encountered by U.S.S. Boston within a macro-spore thicket not far from Meiga VIII. While ultimately proving not to be involved with suspected warmonger Gric he did provide key information used in tracking the rogue. During negotiations for his intel a pair of latinum slips were provided to Ensign Zhaan of Boston as a tip. Ensign Pragann having also been involved in the discussion was called upon to give up his boots which we then passed off to Tordar's brother. Payment during a later deal resulted in Tordar being called upon to replace the lost pair of boots and opted to gift ones with mini aquariums on display in the heels.

Categories: Characters