Created by Lieutenant JG Talda Vauna on 08 Nov 2024 @ 4:18pm
'Muurgh aVE Tul', Federation Oceanographer stationed at the recently created research outpost on Dovi'Chak. Secretly concerned Boston's arrival is intended to provide relief members resulting in Starfleet essentially taking over the mission. This concern arises from knowing that there is friction amongst members of the outpost's team that struggle to properly socialize with Klingons. Discussion within the outpost will venture into worry of managing to offend their hosts leading to the closure of the project. Given Dovi'Chak's oceans appear to contain proof of various pet theories of those within the team they very much wish to avoid that outcome.
Species: Sor'tu'ril, Amphibious species, member of the Federation. Not prone to joining Starfleet as they prefer sticking to locations with high humidity.
Personality: Cheeky, will needle those around her at times but like others based at the outpost struggles to understand Klingon reactions to know if she is going too far. May poke at Starfleet Science officers for not focusing on one subject. In her view limiting any Starfleet studies.
Categories: Characters